Door to Door Distribution
Door to Door – experience and excellent administration are essential – look no further
We have a great deal of experience in the planning and buying of door to door distribution campaigns, using a variety of delivery methods including Newshare, Royal Mail and team distribution.
We start by carrying out an analysis of the target audience using the client’s own customer database or other data sources (e.g. TGI), and translate that into a geo-demographic profile such as ACORN. That then enables us to identify, using postcode sector ranking reports and mapping, those postcode sectors containing the highest proportions of the target household types.
The selection of delivery method will depend on the nature of the product or service being advertised, the residential make-up of the area, the amount of lead-time available and the level of anticipated response for each method of distribution versus the cost per thousand charged for each method.
Our administration of door to door campaigns is extremely tight and efficient in a media sector that can sometimes have challenging operational issues.